The Villains of the Bible
There were some really bad people in the Bible - people who disobeyed God, hurt others, and allowed their hearts to become hardened to anything that was righteous or holy. Believe it or not, there’s a lot we can learn from them! God often teaches us how to live and what to do, but in these cases, He wants to teach us how NOT to live and what NOT to do. Both are just as important. Over the next six weeks, you’ll learn about six people or people groups: Pilate, Judas, Religious Rulers, King Saul, Delilah, and Pharaoh. Some had promising futures, but their selfishness robbed them of the joy of being a part of the movement of God’s Kingdom in this world. Their stories are a sad example of what happens when we trust ourselves rather than God for what’s important in life. You’ll focus less on what they did wrong, and more on how they started well but eventually turned their hearts away from God - and how you can avoid the same from happening to you.

Inside The Guide
Each guide is broken up into six weeks. Below is a small insight into each week.
Pilate valued the wrong things in life. How does valuing peoples’ opinions of me lead to destruction? How did it for Pilate?
Judas spent more time with Jesus than most people, and he still allowed his fear and love of money lead him to betrayal. What does this mean for me?
Religious Rulers
What reasons do I think that the religious rulers thought of themselves as good people? In what ways am I like them?
King Saul
Saul was chosen by God to be the king of His people Israel, yet he disobeyed God. When someone is chosen by God, does that automatically mean he or she won’t sin or stray from God?
After reading the story of Delilah, what kind of character am I letting God create in me? How much is my character worth to me and what do I need to let Him change?
Pharaoh’s heart was hardened again and he ordered Egypt to pursue Israel. What sin or burden seem to keep “chasing” me?