The Book of John
John 1 describes Jesus as the “Word,” God who took on the form of humanity and took off the burden of sin for every person. Jesus came to this world to rescue humanity from brokenness and to establish a better Kingdom. John includes certain teachings, events, prayers, and interactions with the disciples not found in the other Gospels. John’s original audience (Greeks) had heard of Jesus but had no idea who He really was or who He could be to them. John showed them the real Jesus. In the next six weeks, you won’t just learn what Jesus did, but why He did it, what He was thinking, and how the world was changed as a result. There are two groups of people in the book of John. First, there were those who recognized Jesus. Second, there were those who should have known Jesus was the Son of God, but totally missed Him. We are all in one of these two groups - do we recognize Jesus in our daily lives?

Inside The Guide
Each guide is broken up into six weeks. Below is a small insight into each week.
The Source of the Light
John writes referring to Jesus that the “Word” was not only with God, but WAS God. Why is this wording a significant difference when thinking about who Jesus was?
Changing Because of the Light
What do I think it means to "walk in darkness"? If I had to choose, would I describe my daily life as being in darkness or light? Why?
Pointing to the Light
When I point others to Christ, He does the rest. What should I be doing in my life differently so I can direct more people's attention on Christ?
Missing the Light
Why wouldn’t the world recognize Jesus? What keeps me from recognizing & welcoming Jesus?
Receiving the Light
What happens to someone when they receive God in their life? When have I made this decision in my life? If I haven't, why?
Sharing the Light
In Scripture, John talked to others about who Jesus was. When is the last time I've talked to someone about who Jesus was and is?