Here's Your Free Soul Exercises Guide!
This is a one-week sample of a Soul Exercises guide. By looking through this guide, you’ll be able to get a feel for how Soul Exercises works, including introduction content, different training plans, the weekly layout, and the additional spiritual disciplines options. Check it out!
Inside The Guide
Here's some info about what you'll find inside each Soul Exercises guide.
Intro Content
Each guide has an introduction for students and leaders to familiarize themselves with the content of the guide. This includes a summary of the theme, person, or story, and an overview of the Scripture passage or book used in the guide.
Training Plans
There are four training plans in Soul Exercises guides (Plans 1-4). They range from reading one time a week to reading five times a week and engaging in additional spiritual disciplines. Each student and leader will select a training plan before beginning a guide.
Weekly Layout
Once students have selected a training plan, they will follow that plan and everything below it for their time in Scripture. Make note of the training plan indicators - the words "Plan(s) 1-4" - throughout the week.
Spiritual Disciplines
For students in Plans 3 & 4, there are opportunities for additional spiritual disciplines. These include reading larger portions of Scripture, prayer, journaling, memorizing Scripture, giving, and fasting.